Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) refers to accommodation for people who require specialist housing solutions, including to assist with the delivery of supports that cater to their extreme functional impairment or very high support needs. SDA does not refer to the support services, but the homes in which these are delivered. SDA may, for example, have specialist designs for people with very high needs or a location or features that make it feasible to provide complex or costly supports for independent living.
Funding is only provided to a small proportion of NDIS participants with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs who meet specific eligibility criteria.
SDA funding under the NDIS will stimulate investment in the development of new high quality dwellings for use by eligible NDIS participants. SDA funding is not support services, but is instead for the homes in which these services are delivered.
Design and delivery of purpose-built homes to meet client needs, Livable Housing Design Guidelines and SDA requirements:
• Design review of proposed developments
• Modification and renovation of housing stock to meet the needs of occupants and SDA requirements
• Audits of existing stock to meet SDA registration requirements
• Technical advice and recommendations for asset upgrade, divestment and development programs
• Project management
MTA: The Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Stuart Robert, today announced the NDIS will fund a new type of transitional housing support designed to support participants as they prepare to move into their permanent home.
Funding for Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) is available to NDIS participants who require temporary transitional housing while they wait for their permanent home to become ready or available for use. Typical examples of where MTA might be used include:
- bridging accommodation for younger participants who are at risk of being admitted to aged care, or those who wish to leave aged care, while they wait for home modifications or identified specialist disability accommodation
- participants who are ready to leave hospital but are waiting for disability-related home modifications to be completed on their house
- participants who have been found eligible for specialist disability accommodation but are awaiting on a vacancy or build to be completed.
The NDIS enables people with disability to live more independently and one of the most fundamental aspects of all our lives is having choice and control over where we live, who we live with and the supports we need. Medium Term Accommodation has been introduced into the NDIS Price Guide as a new support item, giving clarity to providers on the price limits. Medium Term Accommodation also responds to a number of key COAG Disability Reform Council commitments and will help deliver on the Government’s target of no new younger people entering residential aged care by 2022.